A small, hand-held instrument is used during the activator method chiropractic technique.Ĭommon chiropractic instruments include the Activator Adjusting Instrument. The activator method, for short, may be used for neck pain, back pain, headaches, and chronic migraines. The Activator Method Chiropractic Technique is used for diagnosis and treatment. First method we are going to share about is the activator method. Today, we are going to discuss different chiropractic methods you may have already been blessed with or you may see in the future. Not only can chiropractic methods give patients a positive outlook, but they can expect at least some improvement.Ĭhiropractic methods may even give immediate relief, depending on the adjustment area and method used. With the correct team working on your overall health, a chiropractor can truly deliver wonders. Healing cannot be rushed, but it can progress quickly. Chiropractic methods and car accident injuries: Call ProCare Health & Rehab Centers to discuss chiropractic methods that may heal you car accident injuries in a natural progression. Luckily, if you are in the Central Florida, or Orlando, area, our office is close by. In the event of a car accident, call a physician, or better yet a team, that is well informed on methods for treating car accident injuries.